Delegating Actions for SharePoint Sites
ProvisionPoint 365 is not just about the provisioning of SharePoint Sites, Office 365 Groups and Microsoft Teams. An owner of a particular object can use ProvisionPoint 365 to perform various actions. These actions can include creating new Lists, Adding/Removing Owners or deleting that specific object.
In ProvisionPoint 365 it is now possible to delegate one or more of these actions to a specific user or group of users. The users can perform that delegated action even if they are not the Owner of a specific object. There are various scenarios where delegating permissions to users is useful, including to allow a group of users to create new Document Libraries in a Site or administrators to change Site Owners.
Understanding Actions
A service definition in ProvisionPoint 365 defines an object that a user can request, which could be a SharePoint Site, Office 365 Group or Microsoft Team. In the service definition Actions can be defined which are available once an object has been created using that definition.

Examples of actions in ProvisionPoint 365 include updating classification information, changing a lease or deleting the object. There is also the option to create Lists or Libraries in a SharePoint Site, which could use a custom template.
A user can access the Actions tab through the info button for a Site or Team in the ProvisionPoint 365 Directory. A history of completed Actions are recorded on the Timeline for that object, and there is the option to enable an approval workflow for any Action.

Configuring Delegated Actions
Previously Actions could only be completed by an Owner of a particular object. Now administrators, using ProvisionPoint 365, can delegate a user or group to perform a specific Action within a Service Definition.

As a result of delegating an Action the user with the delegated permission can perform that Action on any object created with that Service Definition. Furthermore, these delegated permissions will apply to existing objects already created from that Service Definition.
It is important to note that delegated permission to perform an Action will not affect what an Owner can do, nor will it grant users rights to perform all Actions on an object.
Next Steps
Delegating Actions can be used for Classic and Modern SharePoint Sites, but also Microsoft Teams. Actions can also be delegated using data completed when an object is requested, which is a topic that will be covered in a future blog post.
If you would like to see how ProvisionPoint 365 can help with delegating actions on Sites and Teams, then contact us for a demo.