by Peter Baddeley | Mar 16, 2019 | Compliance
Have confidence in storing your Confidential data in Microsoft Teams Every organisation has confidential data and they need to be sure before storing it in a tool like Microsoft Teams. Can they be confident that a Team containing confidential information will only...
by Peter Baddeley | Mar 11, 2019 | Blog, Compliance, Office 365 Governance
Intelligent Modern SharePoint Site Classification In Office 365 there is the option to apply a classification to Modern SharePoint Site which will define the sensitivity of your site data. This classification is visible to users of the SharePoint Site, the associated...
by Peter Baddeley | Feb 22, 2019 | Blog, Compliance, Office 365 Governance
Building a Governance Center in Microsoft Teams using an org-wide Team and ProvisionPoint 365 An org-wide Team is a great place to communicate to all users about governance for Microsoft Teams and Office 365. It can be made available to all users within an...
by Peter Baddeley | Jan 5, 2019 | Blog, Compliance, Office 365 Governance
No Governance for Microsoft Teams is a failure in IT Leadership Microsoft Teams is the solution to all your problems. Users will find it really easy to adopt Microsoft Teams as it is incredibly straightforward to implement. These and other myths are what many CIOs and...
by Peter Baddeley | Feb 26, 2018 | Blog, Compliance
ProvisionPoint 365 Branding You can change the branding or theme used in ProvisionPoint 365 to suit your corporate brand. When you first sign up to ProvisionPoint 365 it will look something like this: We love orange but maybe not everyone does. Wouldn’t it be...