
Service Definitions

Flexible templates to define workspace configuration.

Create once, use often!

What is a Service Definition?

Service Definitions are the “Secret Sauce” of ProvisionPoint 365, which makes us stand out from any other solution. They are used to define how new sites are created, as well as how they are managed after the site is created. Inside a Service Definition an administrator can define the type of site to be created, any lists, libraries, web parts and security. They can define who can request the site and also what information is required from the user at the point of request.

Service Definitions
Service Definitions

Flexible Control for All Workspaces

With an almost unlimited number of configuration and customisation options, a Service Definition can be moulded to your precise needs regardless of which workspace (or Service Type as we call it under-the-hood) you are defining.

Rapid cloning makes it simple and fast to create multiple Service Definitions with similar charateristics.

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