
ProvisionPoint Blog

We like to share our thoughts on the ecosystem in which we live.

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New SharePoint App Catalog, what should you know?

New SharePoint App Catalog, what should you know?

The App Catalog stores any apps that can be used in SharePoint and Office. SharePoint Administrator’s or Global Admins can manage the apps that can be used and which Sites they can be installed on. Apps for SharePoint are small, easy-to-use, stand-alone applications that perform tasks or address specific business needs. You can add apps to your site to customize it with specific functionality or to display information.

CommsVerse 2022: Thing I Learned

CommsVerse 2022: Thing I Learned

I recently attended CommsVerse 2022 at Mercedes Benz world and it was a great experience! I met with others working with Microsoft Teams and attended some very informative sessions with some great trainers and speakers who are now a valuable addition to my network. I...

Teams Templates: What to Include

Teams Templates: What to Include

When I think about Teams templates, it brings 3 words to mind: accuracy, consistency and efficiency. These 3 words should be applied to all processes within an organisation, so it is no different when building Teams in them.

Naming Conventions Within ProvisionPoint

Naming Conventions Within ProvisionPoint

Naming conventions within Microsoft 365 are always a big subject for us here at ProvisionPoint, one which regularly comes up during Product Demonstrations. This speaks volumes for the importance of naming within Workspaces such as Teams and Sites.

SharePoint, Teams or OneDrive:  Which should I use?

SharePoint, Teams or OneDrive: Which should I use?

Should I save my document to SharePoint, Teams or OneDrive? Which of these should I use to collaborate with an external partner? Where is the best place to store my corporate policies? These may seem like simple questions, but it is not always straightforward for many organisations and even worse for individual users.