by Peter Baddeley | Oct 13, 2022 | Blog, SharePoint
Custom SharePoint Theme: How to create and upload Whenever I go about creating SharePoint Sites they often have a specific purpose in mind, for example, a department Site or projects. For a lot of organisations, the Site creation also needs to think about the branding...
by Peter Baddeley | Oct 12, 2022 | Blog, Home Page, Lifecycle Management, Teams
When should a Microsoft Team be archived? During the rapid rollout of Microsoft Teams during the pandemic, not many organisations stopped to think about when a Team being created should be archived. The focus was ensuring staff could continue to work and not any...
by Peter Baddeley | Sep 8, 2022 | Blog, Home Page, Provisioning, Teams
Shared Channels in Teams: How will you use them? In our last post, we outlined how Teams Shared Channels are configured. This included considerations for Azure B2B Direct Connect. In this post, we will explore how organisations plan to use Shared Channels in Microsoft...
by Peter Baddeley | Jul 28, 2022 | Blog, Teams
Microsoft Teams Shared Channels: Configuration Microsoft announced that Teams Shared Channels would become generally available in August 2022. Shared Channels enable a Teams Owner to create and share a Channel with users who are not part of that Team. These users can...
by Jennifer Pitts | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog, Home Page
New SharePoint App Catalog, what should you know? What is the SharePoint App Catalog? The App Catalog stores any apps that can be used in SharePoint and Office. SharePoint Administrator’s or Global Admins can manage the apps that can be used and which Sites they can...
by Peter Baddeley | Jul 14, 2022 | Blog, Home Page, SharePoint, Teams
Reporting on Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Sites In May we announced the release of our new Power BI reports for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Sites. We know our customers wanted to report on Teams and Sites. Power BI offers the flexibility to use standard reports...