Power BI reports provide Teams insights
Over the last two years, there has been tremendous growth in the usage of the Microsoft collaboration workloads, including Microsoft 365 Groups, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. We know organisations have struggled to monitor key metrics about who is creating new Teams and where there are compliance risks. Many IT and Compliance managers are left frustrated they can’t easily see:
• A breakdown of Ownership and where there are potentially orphaned Teams or Groups
• Trends in usage and which business areas are creating new workspaces
• A breakdown of where Sites and Teams are shared with external users
• Clear views of the lifecycle of Teams and where there are potential bottlenecks
With these challenges in mind, ProvisionPoint is pleased to announce a set of customisable reports for Power BI.

Power BI Reports
These reports provide our customers with detailed insights about their Sites and Teams. There is an initial dashboard which provides key metrics and further reports that include:
- Trends of requests for new Sites and Teams over time
- A breakdown of how workspaces are secured (including Guest Access, Sharing and Sensitivity)
- A breakdown of workspaces by key organisation metadata (eg Teams by Cost Center or Department)
- Teams with less than two Owners
- Expected lifecycle and archiving points for Teams
Whilst we provide these standard reports, Power BI allows us to work with our customers to configure these reports and any new ones to their specific needs.

ProvisionPoint chose to use Power BI as the platform to deliver these reports due to our strong relationship with Microsoft and their investment in the Power Platform. We know that Power BI offers a range of delivery mechanisms for reports. Users can gain insights into their Microsoft 365 workspaces whether they are in the browser, Teams or on a mobile device.

If you are not already a customer don’t worry, using our import process you can bring your existing Teams under governance with ProvisionPoint 365. This includes access to reports detailed in this post but also allows organisations to leverage Compliance and Lifecycle Policies.